Weekly Thoughts

It all adds

We thank you for considering our opinion. The energy shifts this week forward again. It has been a long stretch of really, really freaky energy. Hard to manage, difficult to even fathom, yet strangely enriching now. The worst part of the year is behind you. The energy gets better and better each week. By end of May the seas will be calm. By mid-July, it can be as sleek and exciting as a good sail with a warn Trade Wind…

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The Best Teacher

We thank you for considering our opinion. You all have had great teachers in life. We ask that you think of one now. It can be from school or from work or from life. You can call them a teacher, mentor or friend. One thing they all had in common with all of you is that they gave a gift. They shared their wisdom, knowledge or affection and expected little to nothing in return. Maybe they had to. It could…

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Innocence in a crowded world

We thank you for considering our opinion. Today’s energy is innocence. What we mean by that is looking at every situation with as little pre-judging as you can. The energy around you is very complex right now. It becomes even more complex this weekend. Oh joy we here you say… Well challenging energy passes. We at a personality level forget that. We have a strong tendency to both think the energy we are in will never stop AND forget that…

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Re-litegating the Civil War

As always, we thank you for considering our opinion. Feel free to share it, it’s just an opinion. You make what becomes so. Charlottesville maybe the only battle fought in this war, it may not. But this is a refighting of the Civil War. The South has elected their leader. His forces have crept further North than they were in 1865. But this war is already lost for them. Its only how they lose it, not if. We all cycle…

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